Our Pastor

About the Pastor


Pastor Jeff Lewis

Jeff Lewis has been a pastor for over 17 years, earning his Masters of Divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary, in Ashland, Ohio. He has spent the last 6 years teaching Bible at Elkhart Christian Academy with a focus on teaching systematic theology, apologetics, morals and ethics, world views and world religions. He and his wife, have been happily married for over 25 years, with 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren.  


“Serving the Lord is my passion and being called to Zion is a blessing for Jen and I.  We are excited to see all that God has done, is doing and will continue to do through the people of Zion Community Church.  Ministry isn’t measured by quantity or size of ministry but by the heart, and Zion is a church with heart.  So join us as we minster into the lives of each other, Millersburg and the surrounding communities with the good news of Jesus Christ.”  – Pastor Jeff